About Us

Late Lt Gen J M Vohra, PVSM, SM

Lt Col (Retd.) R S Gaba
Veteran Defence Forces Group
Veteran Defence Forces Group (VDFG) was established by a team of enterprising and illustrious veterans from the defence forces with a clear vision of extending support to retired personnel from the armed forces to enable them to lead a dignified, healthy and peaceful life post retirement.
The journey began with a shared commitment to help veterans rediscover their individual and collective strengths by providing them growth avenues and opportunities. In pursuit of the above objectives, Asian Townsville Farms Pvt Ltd (ATFL) was founded in 1986 in cohesion with VDFG with the mission to provide affordable housing solutions and opportunities for investments to the defence personnel, veterans and others who wanted to join us in this endeavour. While operating as a profit driven venture, ATFL aligns its vision with VDFG, allocating a substantial portion of its earnings to CSR Initiatives. The roles of VDFG and ATFL are intertwined, working together to achieve the overarching goal of improving the lives of veterans and service class groups through the provision of comfortable, secure, and healthy living.
In its journey of last 38 years, VDFG has engaged in the core areas of Health and Wellness; Empowerment of under privileged and providing growth opportunity to Ex-Servicemen A substantial effort and resources have been devoted to other activities such as Pandemic relief work, health camps, blood donation camps and other community welfare activities.


Until now all philanthropic and community services efforts of the VDFG have been funded through profits earned by ATFL or through individual donations. Inspired by its success and motivated by the belief in collective action, decision was made to establish VDFG Kartik Trust. Registered on 29th August 2023 the Trust aims to streamline and expand the welfare oriented efforts of VDFG.
With a wide mandate to deliver in the core areas, the Trust seeks to grow and make a tangible social impact nationwide and reach out especially to the marginalized sections of society. Touching and enhancing peoples lives for over three decades, VDFG has developed from a tender sapling to a vibrant and strong tree. VDFG Kartik Trust thrives on the goodwill of its members who form its core strength. It is our endeavour to remain rooted in the principles that guided the inception of the Trust with the aspiration to march forward, fostering a better, stronger, and more inclusive future for all through unwavering commitment and collective pursuit.